Class invites

graphics - pencil sketch and photoshop

graphics – pencil sketch and photoshop

Format in Indesign

Format in Indesign

So this is the postcard like class invitation that I distributed to some kids playing in the streets near my house. It was a beautiful coincidence. I generally do not take that route while returning from office. And that day I did. There were a bunch of kids sitting on the floor playing carrom on a rough , old board. They had applied loads of body powder to smoothen the surface, I think Ponds, and the whole area was smelling of flowers. These kids were surrounded with 6 puppies, some sitting with them like fellow carrom players. I knew then that I would find my students here. And I did. A few days later they came to check out my studio, and the very next day few of them landed at my door for classes – eager and excited . No formalities. No questions. No doubts. And just like that it started. One child came to drop off her brother . I asked if the child would also join in, the reply – my parents are not permitting me. I asked if they would give permission if the classes were free. The child said with a twinkle in her eyes – yes. And I had another student.

Some times these kids come over randomly to just read a book, sometimes they just talk about their day or their pets, ‘Aunty you know what happened …’ 🙂

It was a sweet moment when the kids said they did not want the class to end. I continue to have trouble calling it a day. Their enthusiasm to learn is very encouraging.


Jiddu Krishnamurti520382

Most people are unhappy; and they are unhappy because there is no love in their hearts. Love will arise in your heart when you have no barrier between yourself and another, when you meet and observe people without judging them, when you just see the sailboat on the river and enjoy the beauty of it. Don’t let your prejudices cloud your observation of things as they are; just observe, and you will discover that out of this simple observation, out of this awareness of trees, of birds, of people walking, working, smiling, something happens to you inside. Without this extraordinary thing happening to you, without the arising of love in your heart, life has very little meaning; and that is why it is so important that the educator should be educated to help you understand the significance of all these things.

Read the complete post at

And so it begins…

Today we studied patterns in nature, starting with leaves. The class started with a question – Can you read leaves ?

We discussed the role of the veins in leaves, and drew analogies from the veins in our body. We discussed how the heart pumps blood and transports it by understanding how the water reaches the taps in our house – through plumbing pipes , a pump , and a tank.


Class Pledge

So here’s how we started our classes, with a sincere pledge. Each child signed and sealed the deal , along with the parents 🙂


To learn whole-heartedly every day.

To be kind and respectful to everyone.

To not lie, cheat or be hurtful to others.

To always be kind to people, animals and plants equally.

To respect other people’s things, space, and culture.

To take very good care of my books and stationery.

To come and leave on time, and be responsible for my things.

To not disrupt the class or neighbors with loud noises or misbehavior.

To participate whole heartedly in the class activities.

To climb up / down stairs quietly, to open/close the gate softly so that we don’t disturb those living downstairs

To respect the old uncle and aunty living downstairs.

To not hurt the trees outside the house, or the plants in the balcony.

To not go in the balcony without supervision.

To listen silently and question the teacher freely.

To inform the teacher if there is a problem.

To smile and laugh freely !!


Intention and designed course

We are essentially a network of connections. And nature has used its brush strokes to create stunning patterns which are always there to remind us of these connections – connections waiting to be discovered by each of us.

The first three months of the workshop have been designed for the children to explore the vast network that they are a part of. The workshop aims to strengthen the human to human connections as well , and in the process blur artificial borders and patterns that have been created over the years, patterns which disconnect and isolate instead of aiding oneness .

Why children? Why are the workshops not for adults ? Primarily because I am an extremely sensitive person, and a lot of adults come with reinforced ego boundaries which often end up hurting me. Though  children nowadays are more like ‘mini adults’ with ego boundaries building up very early on , the walls are still penetrable , and softer. The injury is often equally painful , and sometimes multiplied, but a little more rewarding.

Coming back to connections. So the activities revolve around nature . We study and observe nature through various forms – art, craft, poetry, stories, Fleischer cartoons, nature documentaries and movies, games, reading patterns on leaves, books, analogies with the human body and social structure, studying geography, animals etc. Since we live in an extremely populated city with next to negligible access to nature, I feel a little limited. It would be so much easier if cities were designed keeping this aspect in mind – we need to be close to nature in our daily lives, not through monthly or yearly vacations.

I have always liked the Gurukul education system , that has been the inspiration behind the Workshop model. The idea is to have small groups of interested students, who enjoy the workshops. That becomes their motivation.  The fee has been decided by the parents, one child is attending the workshops in exchange for Kannada lessons for me 🙂 The material is provided to the kids free of cost as much as I can afford to, again to encourage parents to send the kids. Some kids get their own material .


It is an interesting mix of children, and I have already learnt a lot about teaching from them.  They constantly challenge me, push me to be a better version of myself , teach me patience, love, and non-judgement. I sometimes however get heart-broken when I see the extent to which we have damaged innocence. But, as it is with children, they always do something that makes you jump right out of it.

And so begins the summer bloom ..